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James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

PRELIMINARY STORY FOR A FILED COMPLAINT against a core group of "caddy individuals" in the community affairs leadership roles at the Colorado Health Network, Rocky Mountain Cares Services Agency, and Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments in the Local HIV/AIDS Denver Community.
1 message

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 1:19 PM
To: Susan Moore Program Director Stagecoach Drop In Center <LaramieCountyCenter@peakwellnesscenter.org>
Cc: "isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com Jackson" <isaacjackson.phd@gmail.com>, info@itgetsbetter.org, Burgess@colorado.edu, info@denverda.org, Rachel #Kramobone L Griffin <rachel@thslawfirm.com>, Chief Executive Officer Darrell J Vigil MBA <darrell.vigil@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Fadumo Adan - CAP Denver My Client Assigned Case Manager#5 <fadumo.adan@coloradohealthnetwork.org>, Shannon Southall <shannon@rockymountaincares.org>, Cinamon 'The Spice Of Life To Makes Nice' Romeo <cinamon@rockymountaincares.org>, rosalind.deugenio@yale.edu


This email will be submitted to the District Attorney's Office of the County of Denver Colorado in a FILED COMPLAINT against a core group of "caddy individuals" in the community affairs leadership roles at the Colorado Health Network, Rocky Mountain Cares Services Agency, and Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments to be submitted by June 6th 2018 in person.   A True Story of my Plight from Hate Collectives Elite is in the words of my life story unfolding in the below words..... please respect my style and use of email as my standard of choice to compose this report.

What I am going to be detailing will be web filed:


Denver District Attorney
201 W. Colfax Avenue, 8th Floor
Denver, Colorado 80202
Main phone number: 720-913-9000  Fax: 720-913-9035
Email address is info@denverda.org

For all time human history.

For the Real Story, Join My Facebook Group:

107 members



Picture Taken, Devil's Tower, Wyoming, Oct 6th 2012

James Martin Driskill
Former Patient of Peak Wellness Center Cheyenne Wyoming.

Current Address:
3260 Grande Vista 
San Bernardino CA 92405
Phone Number 909-882-8759

Nofe!  This email addressing is a bit out of normalcy.  Dear General Inbox of In Care Peak Wellness Mental Health Treatment Center of Cheyenne, Wyoming...
I am using a prior email address contact for Susan Moore, of the Stagecoach Drop In Center to address this email.   The matters that I need to direct to her attention has to be composed and written out to a story of what is an update to my mental health wellness case --- a story plight from hate.   

I have looked up Susan Moore on Truthfinder to obtain her contact information, I will be hard copy printing and mailing this email to her via United States Postal Service.


Susan Moore
Former Director of The Stagecoach Drop In Center of
The Peak Wellness Mental Health Clinic, Cheyenne Wyoming.
Spring Valley Manor
14918 Gorgeous View Trl
Little Rock, AR 72210-1706
(706) 226-0691LandLine

Dear Susan,

It has been a long time since we had any connections or phone discussions.  I don't even have my 307 area code account and contacts available to attempt to direct a voice or text communication to you.  I am resorting to needing to resort to my own intelligent devices to have and use a background check report lookup service such as Truthfinder to be able to contact you for this update story.   There is a request of you in the end that I need your expertise in finding a resource of resolve in these matters.   But first what has happened......

You see, I have had to have paid Truthfinder members services for over 2 years since I have some extremely disturbing news to report to you regarding my ability to deal with a hate collective.  

At this point, me and my mother do not really know where to turn for advocacy in these regards.   Last Monday, we attended the local chapter family support NAMI [ National Association of Mental Illness ] meeting. They were not as resourcefully helpful as I thought they could be from my experiences with NAMI and People First in Wyoming.

Basically we are still left in a state of unresolved matters of an intractable conflict that I have been dealing with now going on over 10 years since I first encountered this "wicked problem" when I was living in Oakland California at an HIV/AIDS Housing provider residency at Allen Temple Manor.  It was a housing project that was administered by The American Baptist Homes Of The West.   At that time in 2005/2006, It was my thought and feeling that what I encountered as a hate/harassment campaign and cyber-stocking and cyber-bullying situation that I encountered before there were actual laws on the books placing this kind of activity now violates federal law.... I was actually dealing with a situation that was involving extreme communications online of hate messages and what I would call a campaign of "gaslighting" in all of my life space.  Many times, the messages received were telling me to commit suicide.

gerund or present participle: gaslighting
  1. manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.
    "in the first episode, Karen Valentine is being gaslighted by her husband"

It eventually resulted to an eviction.  That eviction on record is documented as case #WG06266106 [ google search ].

What I encountered in Oakland, I thought was an isolated case.  I moved on but truly never freed myself with what is an over abundance of ill willed communication styles hating at me pretty much continuously when I am visible among the online gay community.

There was only one succession period in my life that I did not have to deal with this abstract annoyances in my online and offline attempts at building friends interpersonal relationships. That was the time that I spent in recovery and treatment in Cheyenne Wyoming with the Peak Wellness Center. 

I arrived in Cheyenne Wyoming on September 11th 2011.
I moved to Aurora Colorado just outside of Denver Colorado on November 1st 2012.
I placed myself onto the HOPWA Housing Waiting List in November with Colorado Health Network's
client services.  It was not until 28 months later that I was placed into housing at
Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments Denver Colorado April 1st 2015.

It is noteworthy to also realize, that on May 20th 2006, I wrote some words to the attorney that is titled
Oh Kind Sir that contains a walk promise to walk home in protest.  Walk home means to walk from
Oakland California to San Bernardino.   During this waiting list stay, if they would have just placed
me into housing immediately, there may never had been this effort to actual fulfill this walk promise.

This Animation Video Was Created Last Week In Honor Of My Knowing I would be writing about these events once more.  Please download the video file and play. 

[   ] HD - Oh Kind Sir.mp4                                                                            
23-Apr-2018 18:35 188M
It was on September 21st 2013 that I made my attempt to fulfill this long walk promise by stepping one
step by one step out of Oakland from in the direction of San Bernardino.  This was originally journal
online at the webdomain of http://alongwalkofbeauty.us but the domain registration has been allowed to
expire.  This walk is journal at [ http://alongwalkofbeauty-us.gruwup.net ]

JUST IN CASE YOU DON'T HAVE THE BRAINS OF KNOWING A TRUE STORY WRITTEN TO YOU, that you think I am fabricating lies and deceptions after the fact..... You can find the twitter records actual device tracking available -- just in case you don't believe this was a real event by twitter.com search [ @gruwup @MapMyWalk ]

28 Sep 2013

I walked 19.89 mi with . Check out my route in Fremont, CA!

hey jack! I walked from 1 Jack in the box to another all day long and now have no place to stay.

This is the screen snapshot record from my MapMyWalk Account::

I made it to Big Sur, about a total of 120 miles before I had to suspend this long walk.  But this long walk is real.

So... I continued to wait for my turn on the waiting list.    Finally coming through in April of 2015.

After I was placed in Denver Housing, I was there attempting to create a resource of wellness --- a community in desperate need of resources that I was offering my experience and time and effort.  I was there attempting
to develop a community based adult school of consensual practices which is online known
as The Awesome Kramobone Playroom School but they would not allow such a legal enterprise
to flourish for the betterment of the HIV/AIDS community.   No, can't have that kind of resource!

[ http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/BasicHumanNeeds ]

They filed for eviction on November 30th 2016, for their complaint that I am directing email to their office
attempting to stop a unending hate and harassment campaign targeting and unyielding annoyance and chaos into my life.

The story is real bad Susan and other dudes and ladies also reading into this story from 2018 directives.

Lets back up a little bit, to the details of Cheyenne that needs to be foundational understood --- I am repeating a cycle of haters being allowed to win at the expense of my mental health wellness ---- a situation that has no resolve.

The events that brought me to Cheyenne Wyoming are documented in my community address #01D
   [ http://community.gruwup.net/01D ]   Written Online Copy   Email Online Archived For:  Sat, Jul 23, 2016.

Not to really have to mention here since I actually have place this in documentation online, much to the reasons of why this mental treatment was in my case of need is due to events from 2005 into 2006 in a housing conflict very much now similar to events happening here in Denver.

I eventually found myself leaving town unannounced to my family by escaping on a suicidal car driving road trip to nowhere.  Along the course of this trip, I was highly serious to my doom of dumping my car along with me by driving over the side of cliffs as I was driving by in mountain areas.  In the desert of Death Valley, I drove on the wrong side of the road to be opposite of oncoming cars, we call this playing chicken thus turning out of jeopardy at the very last minute. 

Along with these in driving actions of doom gloom activities.  On that hot day I found myself driving through in Death Valley, I got out of my car at a point of interest sight location and started to walk without question to nothingness.  This along what was a dry river bed.  I eventually tired.  I am sure I walked more than 3 miles out before laying down to rest.  I had no motives but to lay there and die.  I tell you this is the truth.  It was almost dead up sun overhead noon when I laid down.  I could not even find a shadow to hold me but cramped into some corner in the rock side and cried to a level I know was unyielding of any one else being able to hear me or listening.

Eventually recovered somehow to resolve to walk back, I am here now.  But this is a very actual depiction of the state of emotional duress I was under while driving these roads during this trip to nowhere.

I eventually found myself heading east on 80 instead of west back to Oakland.  On east bound 80, I ran out of resources for gas to continue driving any longer east at around Cheyenne.  Yes, I am aware that Cheyenne is the Capitol of Wyoming.  That date of arrival was September 11th.  When I stopped in at the Subway Restaurant that is down the street from the Capitol building that I did not yet realize my location to the city, there was a street demonstration heading up the street to what I did not know.  I thought it interesting to find out what this was.  It was the anti effort protest for that day for the Reverend that was making a public statement of protest himself by burning the Quran on that date.

I took this as a sign that whatever conflicts I was in, whatever were my emotional distress holding me down of depression to the unknowing resolve I could see yet, and no matter what state I am working from, there are others that hold my points of view in common bonds I unite a cause to here that day whether I see them in my personal circles of people in community I personally encounter.  I took this as sign I am where I am suppose to be. I went to find the emergency shelter and checked in. This then begins to finally set up what I needed in help.  In that help, I was able to get housing at demand for a out of shelter move date November 1st into individualized independent housing that was filed in that state as HOPWA resources to subsidized my rent portion to $395 a month. The available stock of housing options was all providers of rental units at or below a certain baseline market price. 

This also was a start of what was truly intensive mental health treatment support offered to the community at Peak Wellness Center which I qualified for at $5 copay per visit.   This suicidal trip to nowhere actually saved my life.

This was when I was first diagnosed with Bipolar disorder even though I had presented my symptomatic issues to others in California.  They also placed me on a medication treatment Lithium.  This is a serious medication for serious symptoms in my life to which all of what was presenting to my doctor was the mental states from Oakland conflicts after I was put into HOPWA HOUSING that was  driving this condition of dysfunction forward.  This was not because I was on finally a suicidal trip.

 I should have been diagnosed this condition long long time ago properly.   None the less, it takes "The Equality State" of Wyoming to obtain a proper level care at resource of my affordability even though I have been on disability since 2000 for both presentation of HIV and MENTAL HEALTH in my first filing of disability claim.

But if not for the mental health misidentified diagnoses for so long and then the other common denominator of equation is a working hidden agenda working against me.  I can prove in Oakland with a hacked profile online, it was them and not me. Furthermore here it is same considerations with the documentation of harassment to the level I have and in this harassing ongoing progression they used a deceased person's identity from 2008 that was showing from Truthfinder and this person is supposedly in Mississippi questioning why I initiated a communication to them when I never did.   Personally speaking to this person over the a voice phone call before I did a background lookup on the details of the number.   So later in this same day, this progresses to me calling another totally separate person representing himself that was in chat from GuySpy who's profile is in Denver.

When I called him on his provided phone number, it went to voicemail to which the voice mail recorded name on the system attached to that number did not match the first name I was told I was talking to.

More to the point the recorded name on the voice mail was the first name of the person I was just talking with earlier in the day supposedly Mississippi and the full greeting on that voicemail is the same voice I was talking to in direct voice phone call.  No kidding. The GuySpy app has GPS interface to make the presence of local direct actuate or very near by location tracking to who is online using the app.  That is weird, right?   So that I proved it was them and not me in Oakland with a hacked profile and now that I proved it again unquestionably is them and not me here in Denver in real true extremes of what is normal to be able to deal with and/or cope with.  This is not right to allow to fend for myself as I have actually done.

Now back to 2018....

You see, I would not understand when I wrote that story into an email to my attempt at resolving this hate matter against me in community on Sat, Jul 23, 2016 the actual source of this intolerable sufferance that I am dealing with, what is termed "a wicked problem" of an intractable conflict on the site of http://beyondintractability.org sourced from Boulder Colorado. 

You see, it would not become obvious until June 6th 2017 and July 5th 2017 that the conspiracy that was already exposed to be internal of now another HIV/AIDS tenancy residency out of control that also led to eviction filed against me on November 30th 2016.  That just so happens to be World Aids Day Evening.

Oh this story should be written up in the journals of true story epics..... for what I am revealing here is just a portion of the TRUTH STORY being told from this 2018 perspective.

I am directing this story to Susan Moore as a previous mental health wellness networking contact that I hold in my life sphere that was told what happened in Oakland and the year that it took to recover from that hate campaign against me.

The other day, the Facebook A.I. interface asked me, Do I Know Susan Moore? 

Yes, I know Susan Moore, however I have never had her personal email contact nor have I a phone number contact associated with her that Facebook has found the inter-connections to ask me a simple question. 

Do I know Susan Moore?  

The answer is Yes.  The email address that I previously used for her in the general inbox email address for Peak Wellness and that is the address to which this email is being routed on....because I still am in a state of sufferance.... with no resolve ---- I will continue to shine light on whom it is and why I have publicly named the puppeteer of Denver's way worse in some manners pursuit to remove citizen James Martin Driskill from the community that was successful. 

On November 30th 2016, I had not yet had a particular named individual was the responsible person involved in this
#ConspiracyExposed that I had been documenting.

On July 5th, the individual tipped his hand by doing something extremely rude and out of character to the events that was occurring in front of the office of the Colorado Health Network. 

But first, lets go to a Facebook live --- recorded for an hour on June 6th 2017.

For Daddy... It's time to acknowledge wrong and rights. We must build upon.life a new foundation of wisdom wise guidance. I love you Daddy. Tagging Camera Op
: Sammie Francher ---

This video is where every single staff member's business card of the Colorado Health Network was displayed in front of the camera and verbally read by my assistant of Sammie.

This was recorded to resolve these matters ---- not to create a letter of suspension dated June 6th 2017 for events of a frame up later in that morning for what is claimed to be a disruptive behavior of me in their office that never occurred.

But that letter of suspension dated June 6th 2017 unsigned was forcefully shoved at me on July 5th while I was basically on the ground kneeling making sure my papers would not blow away in the wind.

Jamie Villalobos could not wait until I returned to a standing position to shove this document that I had no idea existed.  This was outside of their office, I was not allowed to be inside.

The next day, I recorded another Facebook live event at the exact location where this occurred.
Priorities are priorities filling my medicine when the pharmacy normally will close. Denver Colorado AIDS Project

This is where I describe the events of the prior day......

But that is not where the proof is actually showing moral responsibility yet --- but should. 

Given the preponderance of the evidence, I can show that there is a collusion among actors
at the Colorado Health Network, Denver Colorado and Rocky Mountain Cares along with
Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments that my information privacy has been violated and shared
among this caddy group --- to which they have kept this hate and harassment campaign by
cyber-stocking my online activities. I claim this is done by Jamie Villalobos and Darrell Johnson
and Angela Keady.

TruthFinder Reports Are Attached.

Where this finally is showing in the hemorrhage on the information warfare of hate and harassment....

It is finally showing on Glassdoor, and employee / employer job site where employee reviews are
not censored.  Trust that these reports are accurate on site --- as of July and into February 2018.

Note the URL of this IMAGE is storage accurate to the circumstances.

My story of filing COMPLAINT in DA's OFFICE is JUSTIFIED by this REPORT on GLASSDOOR.

You can use the QR Scan Code or access the reviews on site at Glassdoor for yourself....... the url is at:


They are so filled with hate they can't even remain leaderships of the Denver HIV/AIDS community, I claim
my right to FILE COMPLAINT, CRIMINAL COMPLAINT in view of harassment, and criminal neglectful actions against a subset membership of the community.  That subset is Gay Black Men with HIV/AIDS they are discriminating against. 

Sincerely written to Susan Moore on April 30th 2018, the anniversary day of my URBANDICTIONARY definitions
appearing online in 2005.....

By The Way, the use of the F Word Fully spelled out here in this business correspondence is the same standard
that applies to the Professionals Networking Site of LinkedIn.  On LinkedIn, The Word "Fuck" can be used within the actual company name field, resume data description fields, and job availability postings.

So, that is not a reason to ignore this email.  For that is the standard to which this email is written to.  Ok?  Got it real?

Urban Dictionary: Fucked Up Human

    A fucked up human is one who applies a simple one dimensional binary scale onto regarding itself as valid and thus disregarding all other humans as invalid. In that unyielding imbalance -- all word forms deriving from the prefix of "dis" is achieved. disrespect, disregard, dysfunction, Disruption etc... Solely from this dysfunctional imbalance, it would have to fail. So additional continuous highly skilled efforts to manipulate their truth and trust is employed. These are done in basically only two ways. (1) to express, imply, or provide facts adversely in reverse binary logic.
    (2) force feeding non-existing general termed facts into the voids that others generally reason OK not to question, prove, or disprove and thus accept. In mere learned behavior and habit the fucked up ways are continuously done and the fool is fooled over and over.

    See also: Real Up Human
    John is a fucked up human who must always lie and deceive everyone he meets to achieve, hide, and maintain his fucked up existence.
    by In the Mindway April 30, 2005

    13 UP and 4 Down

    There are two adversary forms of humans which are the Fucked Up Human and the Real Up Human. To scale from one or the other, all humans fall somewhere in line by every action that a human makes -- even each and every last keystroke being done.
    Well be real up ya all humans... ok?
    by In the Mindway May 01, 2005

    3 attachments