James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

#WordsToLiveBy : Weary Eyes Version : I am living this, breathing this but am sick and tired of having no strong counsels. Where are my strong counsels? Where are my reprimands?
3 messages

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 6:15 AM
To: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>

You are my defense attorney. 

I have created a new highest quality 1080p video version of Words to Live By.

It will take almost an hour to upload this highest quality video format --- which you can download and play back at your best option.   That being without referencing your "trust binding" folder. 

I will create media as a need to reflect that I am sick --- getting real sick
of doing these actions --- gathering the threads and weaving them into the web when not a single person of greatness appears before me to assess the needs of the community properly.

These words appear from 1750s  --- you might want to take this video presentation into account... I will not survive another cascade collapse again because I am doing the right things and they are doing the wrong things.    Without change, it is a pathway of suicide.  I warn you all, this is not a proper way to treat an American Citizen of greatness.


Inline image 1

-----[ still uploading the video file to your folder --- i need to get some rest and relaxaton --- but you will fail me too I bet --- you can't be my only hope to a greatness resolve --- I don't believe you have the balls to carry forward to argue this case --- get some please ---- ]


Index of /#Kramobone-The.Good/Court-Authority-To-LEGALLY-ENABLE-Rights-For-Persons-With-Disabilities/#Jonathon.Arellano-Jackson/#E-Mails

Icon Name                                                                                                                    Last modified      Size  Description
[DIR] Parent Directory - [DIR] Gmail - Initiation of Communicators_files/ 10-Feb-2018 06:59 - [DIR] Gmail - Labels Have Changed In This Addressing_files/ 13-Feb-2018 03:55 - [DIR] Gmail - Legal Necessity_files/ 12-Feb-2018 17:02 - [DIR] Gmail - On Facebook pozplanet_files/ 10-Feb-2018 06:59 - [DIR] IntroductionToCourtandAmericanPeople_files/ 10-Feb-2018 06:59 - [   ] 1080p - Words To Live By.mp4 13-Feb-2018 09:12 84M [TXT] Gmail - Initiation of Communicators.htm 10-Feb-2018 06:38 39K [TXT] Gmail - Labels Have Changed In This Addressing.htm 13-Feb-2018 03:53 44K [   ] Gmail - Labels Have Changed In This Addressing.ogg 13-Feb-2018 00:27 5.1M [TXT] Gmail - Legal Necessity.htm 12-Feb-2018 17:01 136K [TXT] Gmail - On Facebook pozplanet.htm 10-Feb-2018 06:40 49K [TXT] IntroductionToCourtandAmericanPeople.htm 10-Feb-2018 06:56 58K [   ] LegalNessessity-HivDeathsInTheUS.ogg 12-Feb-2018 17:19 7.0M [SND] OfficialRosterAnnouncement-to-#Kramobone-The.Good.mp3 13-Feb-2018 00:50 45M [   ] OfficialRosterAnnouncement-to-#Kramobone-The.Good.ogg 13-Feb-2018 00:27 5.1M

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 7:35 AM
To: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>
3 min and 41 second video file stored on site at the final size of:
[   ] 1080p - Words To Live By.mp4                                                                                            
13-Feb-2018 08:46 1.0G
The available space on my site for any kind of data collection and processing application can be done.

There are absolutely no limits stopping me as far as technology opportunities.  If a national ryan white care
act data collection system of integrity was to be implemented, I could hold it --- no problem.

Is it worth the lives that it might save?  The answer is a big fat NO --- BECAUSE HATERS --- A HATE COLLECTIVE with the endorsement
of some kind of massive top tier holder in the LEADERSHIP in charge of the Ryan White
Care Act Organized Structured Agencies --- There is a BIG BIG SECRET they do not want to tell.

IT IS A HATE COLLECTIVES not compassionates collectives at the top tier of this fucked up human thing they
have created.  I could prove it with a couple of national surveys conducted.  You would not think it is
possible that this kind of thing can happen in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA but it is.  And no one gives a flying f***.

This is a sad state of truth.  They want us DEAD or at least not to thrive.  I doubt you have the balls to challenge the truth
to the record of death marches of AIDS QUILT deaths.   I question anyone who can not show their character true
to be on the wrong side of moral living.

The Whistleblowers are on glassdoor with some balls.   Where are your balls of steel to conduct a major correction
in the hiv/aids social services network as it relates to Portugal, it can be done.  There are no limits stopping us

Except for stupidity and asinine excuses.

No more tolerance for hate.  No more tolerance for irrational thinking.  ok?
My position and agenda is clear and the attitudes that I am in this for the long haul,
I will fight this from outside of the country if this is not placed into a proper  structured
discourse remedy.  Because I can I will and I must. 

Or else suiside is the pathway I am on without a change of focus --- I will make a plea on TV
on the Doctor Phil Show if he approves both me and my mom's appearance by answering
my letter.  I MEAN IT -- this #ConspriacyExposedTerminatesASAP !

My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

[Quoted text hidden]

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 2:46 PM
To: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>
The mentioned video has been updated to facebook


#WordsToLiveBy : Weary Eyes Version


In Reference to Words To Live By is this facebook memory update about MapMyWalk Live App

A REPLY PRIOR TO FRIDAY Feb 16th 8:30am court date would serve these words and the history that I have lived through best......



[ http://alongwalkofbeauty-us.gruwup.net ] <-- Active Today 4 Years Later

So typical that no one pays attention to those who have no money in our society even though following through --- I was preparing for a long walk all of the way back 5 years prior to June of 2013. That is when actual training begins on June 1st of 2013 for a September 3rd 2013 original planed departure date to long walk from Oakland CA to San Bernardino CA.

So in February 2014, I have already had the app installed on my device since I actaully used the app during my long walk. I installed the technology tool and used the upgrade premium of mapmywalk for a period of a year so that I could use the live feature. This was registered for live use in July of 2013.

I was preparing for an over 500 mile long walk --- a long walk aids hiv walk actually. Already in journal was living in a tent with hiv.

Fwd: Can You Be Trusted? - Google Groups : February 6th 10

Contains this quote url expanded here [ http://livinginatentwithhiv.blogspot.com/ ]

Once all of these have been satified, I will remove my blog postings [ Living in a tent with HIV ] with a letter of graitude for
finally being REAL UP HUMAN and GRUW UP afterall.

Go fix some weighty truth; .
Chain down some passion: do some good;
Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe:
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail.—Anon.

------------------ Back to 2018 ------


No one gave a flying fuck to listen to an Addictus
when I am not addicted to anything but common rational thinking sense.

I registered http://alongwalkofbeauty.us which no one paid any attention to and now that is found registered at: http://alongwalkofbeauty-us.gruwup.net ---- when when when will they begin to listen to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in the philosophy of addiction. Why is there a TED TALK on the subject --- PEOPLE ARE DYING NEEDLESSLY to back special interest irrational hate based collectives in charge of the Ryan White Care Act policy implementation. Shameful this country is to set forth an 11 month hate and hassassment campaign against me instead of accepting they were wrong and move into reconcillation. 4 years ago I started a journey to walk home in protest of events happening in Oakland. That walk serves nothing. I want my UNITED STATES CITIZENRY CHANGED TO ANOTHER COUNTRY THAT DOES NOT ALLOW THE HATERS TO REMAIN GOING BERSERK RUN-A-MUCK --- and the good doing people in the world DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE [ DEAD ! ] are these issues of necessity. Lets try decriminalization in drugs for a change where the evidence in Portugal shows a 90% [ that is spelled out N I N E X 10 ] reduction rate in new HIV INFECTION cases in the IV Drug communities and 17% decline overall in new hiv cases across the board. I speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the absolute real up human #Kramobone-The.Good truth. There is something so damn fucked up human fishy going wrong here in the United States Of America. Will anyone care to give a flying fuck?.

[DIR] Court-Authority-To-LEGALLY-ENABLE-Rights-For-Persons-With-Disabilities/  
10-Feb-2018 04:14

Everything being sent to you herein will be placed web archived to as well as stored to FLASH DRIVE for direct transfer judge court magistrate
to the defense of any kind of complaint against me for emailing you these details --- as harassment oriented content when it is not.  A printout
of these will also be hand declaration filed onto my defense without your assistance if need be. There is no trust here in the system that is represented
as local to San Bernardino.  Where is the sanity of keeping the status quo?  There is no sanity in that irrational thinking. It is a paradigm shift of thinking that
is obvious or not obviously impacting all persons involved in this case to reconciliation and rational thinking.  Are you being rational? I am. I am not perfect nor claim to be.

I would like this fixed rather than having to resort to chainging my UNITED STATES CITIZENRY. The truth story about my life circumstances can be
told for days and days and days and days and days and days and still not be complete to the record that has been documented of blogsspace or other
event technorealism applied to my work product.  Days and days and days - 9 days of testimony not sure but get the point. :


My community address #01 contains his words.


Fwd: The Status of Peace Building can only be offered outside of basic survival -- apparently.


@Gruwup 2016
Great Reasons Us ( You There, I Here, and all visiting guests and students of learning here along with Pope Francis )
Will Unite Peace

[ ... ] , [ ... ] , [ ... ] 

Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom : Denver Colorado : United States of America

[ ... ] , [ ... ] , [ ... ] 

From his private meeting with President Obama to giving the first-ever papal address before a joint session of Congress, Pope Francis did not shy away from politics during his three-day stop in Washington, D.C. (Julie Percha/The Washington Post)

An excerpt from his public address broadcast worldwide live to which this author here was watching and listening to him intently . He said to the world to what I agree has been a part of my missing portion of my mission work ideal -   I have no fix for this and I cannot totally be in this community work alone. This is what he told or asked or advised us to do:

[ ... ] , [ ... ] , [ ... ] 

------ All of us are quite aware of, and deeply worried by, the disturbing social and political situation of the world today. Our world is increasingly a place of violent conflict, hatred and brutal atrocities, committed even in the name of God and of religion. We know that no religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism. This means that we must be especially attentive to every type of fundamentalism, whether religious or of any other kind. A delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system, while also safeguarding religious freedom, intellectual freedom and individual freedoms. But there is another temptation which we must especially guard against: the simplistic reductionism which sees only good or evil; or, if you will, the righteous and sinners. The contemporary world, with its open wounds which affect so many of our brothers and sisters, demands that we confront every form of polarization which would divide it into these two camps. We know that in the attempt to be freed of the enemy without, we can be tempted to feed the enemy within. To imitate the hatred and violence of tyrants and murderers is the best way to take their place. That is something which you, as a people, reject. Our response must instead be one of hope and healing, of peace and justice. We are asked to summon the courage and the intelligence to resolve today’s many geopolitical and economic crises. Even in the developed world, the effects of unjust structures and actions are all too apparent. Our efforts must aim at restoring hope, righting wrongs, maintaining commitments, and thus promoting the well-being of individuals and of peoples. We must move forward together, as one, in a renewed spirit of fraternity and solidarity, cooperating generously for the common good. The challenges facing us today call for a renewal of that spirit of cooperation, which has accomplished so much good throughout the history of the United States. The complexity, the gravity and the urgency of these challenges demand that we pool our resources and talents, and resolve to support one another, with respect for our differences and our convictions of conscience.



YOU HAVE SOME HOMEWORK TO DO.   Thank you for any good faith attempt at representation of these high priority
important matters -- it would be best to serve the community wellness a different way than hate based collectives protection.


James Martin Driskill
3260 Grande Vista
San Bernardino CA 92405

Due to the extreme life conditions that I have bared witness to live through, if you want to talk in person details , that would be best,
I am requesting to almost requiring that to be on my turf here at the Driskill Home here on Grande Vista --- not at your office....

This --- to concede rational thinking.   You are welcome to invite community affairs of others.

You all are cracked minded fuck ups if you don't see the truth before the shit is on your face that is stuck like glue
that you can't remove or erase.  TIME TO CHANGE NOW OR ELSE.  What is not specified. 

This is not a threat but a promise of stated intentions.

Never one more day of insolence can I bare witness to recover from.  The recovery option is on the other side of this table discussion to meld into new paradigms of understanding that is required for rational thinking.  I can not forge that understanding one David against Golliath but I will do my best as I am here and wait till I am out of the country to engage more..  

But rationally, your soul will be on the line when you meet our maker at your final end for not doing your calling of the right thing here. 

YOUR JUDGEMENT is GOD'S to conduct against you, not mine. I don't believe in hell but do believe in an afterlife of immortality. 

Believe me I am very spiritually minded in these creations of writing.  It may not reflect it ---at first.  You just have to know be well enough
to trust yourself to know truth is better defended than lies. The truths I tell are very hard to disprove as deceptive lies.  VERY HARD indeed.

Thank you.

That does not stop Nurse Flynn NP University of Colorado Health #ConspiracyExposed first tier, to make it known that was her thinking process
as DELUSIONAL to engage over medication of my mind so that I would shut the fuck up.  I don't play nice after that. The call recording of that
event is recorded and documented and on public filing twitter.  It is only a single piece tip of the iceberg.

Twitter Search [ @Gruwup password ]

Twitter Search [ @Gruwup @FBI ] --- Yes that is a VALID COMMUNICATIONS CHANNELS TO THE FBI

I would never tell the FBI something false.  It is against the law and I could be prosecuted federally level for harassment if that was the case.

There is no case here of San Benrardino County Level Harassment -- it is phony false --- the statement made was to get this matter out of the
hands of the haters prevaricators over and above after my address was started to the FBI.  That is LEGAL NECESSITY.,  

They have visited me --- and since I am mentioning them in this email, this email as web filed will be tagged onto twitter for their reference
as well.  I think they have a lot better things happening against their own integrity challenges.  But that is now and tomorrow is later.

Anyone with a brain can and would research twitter feeds before proceed filing anything these days against one person with such a case.

It is obvious I have a twitter feed.

How does the DA which to reflect their stupidity that I am not prepared for this.
I need your assistance --- not more resistance.  I am willing to wing it completely alone if that is the case...

I go with GOD'S GOOD GRACE to be in the morally correct [ straight ] point of view. 

Time for the world of the microcosm USA to see the world's view is better than our very own self centered flawed forms of policy leaderships that are in power and won't release their hold on hate.  It is self-evidence this is a declaration of interdependence.

http://wikiworld.com/wiki/index.php/TheGoodLife   --- My writing is mentioned on this page.



I am pretty lucky to live the good life. I am not rich finacially, but my life is rich. The good life means something different to everyone, but we can recogize it when we see it. The animal or person living well is healthy, content and living fully.

The founding fathers of America had a vision of the good life for everyone. Free enterprise and people unbound to the shakels of government could accomplish great things. Unfortunately much of this vision has been lost.

Each of us have our own idea of GoodAndEvil. For us all to live the good life we must accept the simple fact that it is subjective and we can only support each others views of the good life by employing a live and let live SocialContract of CooperativeDiversity.

Wealth is not finite. Our wealth as a civilization depends only of the value we create. What we need first is the vision, and second is the will to create value. Finally we need the means, which we find we have had all along. We have creative minds and the rich resources of the planet, MarsFrontier, galaxy and beyond.

If we manage our shared resources profitably then there is no limit to the value we can create. If we create value, we can all share the freedom to try to live the good life as we see it and fullfil anything we want that does not infringe the freedoms of others.

The DeclarationOfInterdependence is a collaborative attempt to redesign government to reclaim the vision of our founders and thrive in the twentyfirst century.


For more on government redesign see: AmericanVanguard, DeclarationOfInterdependence

For more on having a good mindset see: InTheMindway

Thank You Mr. Scarver for the mention of my page here. For some additional words written around the year 1750 for having of having a good mindset that also guides me, see: WordsToLiveBy --InTheMindway

This page is one stop on the TourOfWikiWorld.